
Our experts advise and support you in preparing CE-compliant documentation of your project or product, from research into applicable standards to compilation of full documentation, including the CE declaration of conformity.

We offer the following building blocks in this regard:

  • researching standards
  • risk assessment
  • hazard analysis
  • checking documentation of development
  • compilation of documents for all components and suppliers
  • writing operating manuals
  • translating documents
  • preparing the CE declaration of conformity or the manufacturer’s declaration of installation

The individual building blocks are carried out using the following tools:

  • Safeexpert
  • Sistema
  • DocuGuide

Software engineering

SYSTEC develops software using various different approaches. Most solutions are created with the aid of the LabVIEW software engineering platform developed by National Instruments. This platform can be used to perform even highly complex tasks within a short period.

When creating new solutions, SYSTEC uses LabVIEW-based application frameworks that can be adapted to customer-specific requirements. With these frameworks, it is also possible to optimally synchronize concurrent processes. The integration of .net libraries (C#) and the use of high-performance CUDA codes enables competitive cycle times to be achieved. Test sequences can be easily produced and managed. Many options are available in this regard, such as XML files, spreadsheets (e.g., MS-Excel) or databases, of course.

Programmable logic controllers (PLC) can also be integrated, of course. In this regard, SYSTEC supports different syntaxes, such as Codesys.

Retrofitting und Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz

Ihre alte Maschine hat noch ein langes Leben vor sich – durch erneuerte Elektronik

Ständige Produktionsausfälle und Servicekosten können zur Belastung werden, genau wie die Anschaffungskosten neuer Maschinen. Vermeiden lässt sich das alles durch Retrofitting: die Neuausrüstung einer Maschine mit moderner Steuerungstechnik. So werden veraltete, störanfällige Maschinen dank neuer und moderner Elektronik wieder zuverlässig und kann noch viele Jahre ihren Dienst tun.

Der Umbau älterer Maschinen auf einen aktuellen elektrotechnischen Stand mit modernen Steuerungen, Motoren oder Schaltanlagen bringt eine erheblich verlängerte Lebensdauer bei gleichzeitig höherer Rentabilität und Sicherheit. Oftmals lässt sich durch zielgenaue Ergänzung vorhandener Technik eine deutliche Energieeinsparung oder Produktionsverbesserung erreichen.

Technical translations

Your technical documents can be translated into almost any common language by our skilled partners. We ensure that translations are done by native speakers with a technical background.
We work with translation memory systems and use terminology databases so that competitive offers can be made.The layout of the translated documents is adapted to your specifications, so that you obtain a document that is ready to print, and which has gone through our internal quality system.

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